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A new dimensionWe talk to Kate Siebert, NADFAS Vice Chairman and Trustee, about her experiences as a Trustee – and why she’d recommend the role to anyoneYou do feel that what you’re doing is worthwhile,” says Kate Siebert of her role as Trustee, “because you’re thinking, discussing and working together, looking to the future and addressing current issues. It’s very constructive.”Kate held many roles within NADFAS prior to becoming a Trustee (and now also Vice Chairman), including Chairman of Farnham DFAS, Chairman of West Surrey Area and Overseas Area Representative. The Trustee role is one of governance, with Trustees collectively setting the strategic course, offering oversight and protecting the reputation of NADFAS, to ensure that it continues to fl ourish. All new Trustees receive training and mentoring. “There are times when it is demanding and challenging, but it’s always exciting and rewarding. I feel as if I’ve grown and I just love it. It’s given another dimension to my life,” says Kate. “The board is friendly and we all work well together and, as Vice-Chairman, I love the interaction with the Area Chairmen and other members of the Advisory Council.”Although the role isn’t hands-on in the way that Society work can be, there is still plenty of contact with members. Trustees can go to Area meetings where they meet Society delegates and members of the Area teams. As well as being a social occasion, there is serious work to do – it’s a time to discuss topics of concern, get feedback and judge the prevailing mood in the Societies through personal and group discussions. “It’s always interesting to hear what people are feeling,” says Kate. “It’s a pleasure going to Areas and having that opportunity to meet members, and talk about what’s important to them.” Other opportunities occur as Trustees attend the Advisory Council and Area Chairmen’s Forum during the year. Trustees will also be asked to join sub-committees or working groups. Sub-committees are ongoing; working groups, on the other hand, are formed to address a particular issue and continue as long as needed. The members of these groups will be a mixture of relevant staff members, Trustees, and other members – perhaps an Area Chairman and another volunteer with particular expertise. For instance, Kate chairs the Committee Recruitment & Succession Planning Working Group (formed to address concerns about attracting Society committee members), where she is joined by two other Trustees, a member of staff, and volunteers from the Societies Support and Training Teams. Another working group is concentrating on plans for the NADFAS Golden Anniversary Flagship Projects, making sure the celebrations in 2018 not only highlight the achievements of NADFAS over 50 years, but also publicise NADFAS and loudly advertise its achievements. There are several other working groups covering other issues.The membership of the various committees and working groups is made up of Trustees and staff, depending on their experience.Trustees give careful thought to the issues they deal with, as they must uphold the NADFAS mission, aims and values, and also consider the effect of decisions on members, external benefi ciaries and the Association’s long-term future. Kate has been a member of the Grants sub-committee for seven years. Grants are awarded internally (to Societies, for eg. Young Arts projects) or externally. “We try to give grants to people at the beginning of their careers, or when they are at a stage when they are trying to establish themselves,” explains Kate. NADFAS remains committed to arts education for all and continues to support many heritage and conservation projects and students through its grant giving. There’s also a desire to award grants throughout the country and across the creative disciplines. Wherever the grant is to be awarded, the committee always TRUSTEE ELECTIONS2017 TIMETABLE• January 24 & February 9Trustee Discovery Days• March 1Closing date for nominations to be received at NADFAS House• March 15Candidates’ statements, with online voting instructions, sent to voting members • May 2Closing date for online votes to be cast• May 17 Results announced at the 2017 Annual General Meeting.Candidates are invited to fi lm a short statement in support of their candidacy and the dates on which these can be recorded are February 13 or March 6, 2017. 30 NADFAS REVIEW / WINTER 2016 ELECTIONS