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REVIEWAUTUMN 2016THE MAGAZINE OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETIESEDUCATION ANDCONSERVATION£3.50READ ALL ABOUT THE REBRANDINGPAGE 8!TION OF DEREVIEWSUMMER 2016THE MAGAZINE OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETIESEDUCATION ANDCONSERVATION£3.50Affi liate membership – a Christmas gift for just £1054 NADFAS REVIEW / WINTER 2016 SCHEME6LLREADALLREADTHEABOUT AINGBRANDINGREBRANDRE8NPAGE8!ON REVIEWWINTER 2016THE MAGAZINE OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETIES977174012900904EDUCATION ANDCONSERVATION£3.50TURN TO PAGE 8 FOR LATESTREBRANDINGNEWSSubscribe to NADFAS ReviewNADFAS Affi liate membership makes the perfect Christmas gift: not only will the recipient receive NADFAS Review, they can also take advantage of unique benefi ts – all for just £10. It’s the perfect way to keep abreast of our work, as well as fi nding out more about cultural events nationwideAFFILIATE BENEFITS Affi liate membership is the perfect package for those individuals who may not have the opportunity or the time to commit to NADFAS Society membership, but who would still like to support NADFAS and take advantage of our many benefi ts. Affi liate membership is also ideal for individuals currently on a local Society waiting list who would like to participate in NADFAS in the interim. As an Affi liate member, for just £10 per year you can enjoy the following:■ Free subscription to NADFAS Review, our quarterly arts magazine that features the very best of writing and opinion on developments in the arts world, as well as updates on national and regional NADFAS activities.■ Access to a nationwide programme of vibrant and thought-provoking study days and events, as advertised in NADFAS Review and on our website. ■ Participation in NADFAS volunteering activities.■ Specially tailored cultural tours – at home and overseas – organised by our hand-picked NADFAS Travel Affi liates.■ Occasional ticket offers and concessions from museums and galleries nationwide. Please note: Affi liate members have no automatic rights to attend individual Society lectures or events, and other appropriate charges may apply to certain activities.application formGift Aid Declaration: Tick if YES ■ I would like NADFAS to treat Affi liate membership subscriptions I make from the date of this declaration as Gift Aid Donations until further notice (not applicable for gift option). I understand that I must pay an amount of UK Income Tax or Capital Gains tax that is at least equal to any tax that will be claimed by the Charities and Community Amateur Sports Club to which I donate for each Tax Year.Gift Option (Please tell us who the gift is for and where to send it)Title: .......................... First Name: ..........................................................................Surname: ............................................. Address: ................................................................................................................. Postcode: ..................................................Email address: ..........................................................................................................................Message: .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Return completed form with payment to:The Membership Department, NADFAS, NADFAS House, 8 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1DA. REF Winter/2016 Mr/Mrs/Miss.................................................................................................................Address .......................................................................................................................Postcode .........................................................Tel No...................................................Society: ......................................................................................(Please write out in full)Email: ..........................................................Tick box if we may contact you via email ■I enclose a cheque for £10 payable to NADFAS ■ orPlease debit my Credit/Debit Card for £10Visa ■ Mastercard ■ Delta ■ Maestro ■ Expiry Date ■ ■ ■ ■ Issue Date ■ ■ ■ ■ Issue No ■ Security Code ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■Signature .......................................... Full name of cardholder ........................................(last 3 digits on back of card)