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respective years of 1768–1779 and 1801–1803. Discover the remarkable fl ora, fauna, people and places recorded by the voyager artists who accompanied them. Naturalist Joseph Banks travelled with Captain Cook on his fi rst voyage and we will see their extraordinary achievements brought to life by the artworks.RIVIERA PARADISE: THE FUSION OF ART, DESIGN AND PLEASURE ON THE CïTE DÕAZUR IN THE 1920S AND 30SDate: 24 March 2017 Lecturer: Mary Alexander Since the 19th century, English high society had ‘wintered over’ on the Côte d’Azur, leaving by April. In the early 1920s an intoxicating mix of artists, writers, musicians and international visitors, inspired by a mythological seascape of luminous colours, created a new summer season. THE QUEEN OF SHEBA Ð EMPRESS OR ENIGMA? Date: 7 April 2017 Lecturer: Christopher Bradley The Queen of Sheba is one of the most intriguing and exotic fi gures in history. Wealthy from trading incense, and lover of King Solomon, her story encapsulates the history of ancient Yemen, Ethiopia and the Ark of the Covenant itself. We will follow her journeys, uncover her homeland, and the art her story inspired.North EastSILVER STUDY DAY (PART OF THE HULL CITY OF CULTURE CELEBRATIONS)Date: 6 June 2017 Time: 10amÐ3pmVenue: Hull History Centre, Worship Street, Hull, HU2 8BG Lecturer: Ian Pickford Price: £27 (inc. coffee) Contact: Joan Lawrence, Applecroft House, 25 Applecroft Road, York YO31 0HQ. Tel: 01904 870406, email. This illustrated lecture looks at silver production in Hull, Newcastle, York and other minor centres over the centuries. It will examine the distinctive regional features as well as the links between the centres. The evolution of hallmarking in the area will be looked at, together with the lives of some of the makers. The afternoon session focuses on identifi cation of members’ pieces, where delegates are invited to bring along their own silver. South WestTHE DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH PORCELAIN 1770Ð1900 Date: 30 March 2017 Time: 10amÐ3.30pmVenue: Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre TQ11 0EELecturer: Diana Lloyd Price: £36 (inc. coffee and a hot two-course lunch)Contact: Dr David Yates, Vexford Court, Higher Vexford, Taunton TA4 3QF. Tel: 01984 656735, alternatively email: an application form go to This day will follow the evolution of English porcelain from the early days of the Plymouth, Bristol, New Hall and other factories up to the start of the 20th century. There will be an opportunity for members to bring their own articles of English porcelain from this period for a discussion and assessment. SussexA TALE OF THREE CITIES: ATHENS, ROME AND PALMYRADate: 24 February 2017Time: 10amÐ3pmVenue: The Ark, Mount Lane, Turners Hill, West Sussex, RH10 4RAPrice: £28 (inc. coffee, ploughmanÕs lunch and glass of wine) Lecturer: Paul Roberts Contact: Angela Magness, tel: 01444 414537 or email: angelafaymagness@hotmail.comA look at the art, monuments and people of Athens in its golden age and a fascinating insight into the life of Rome, the Eternal City. Finally, Paul will examine the meteoric rise and dramatic fall of the fabled city of Palmyra. MURDERERS, MAGICIANS, MADMEN AND MONARCHS: SHAKESPEARE THROUGH ARTISTSÕ EYESDate: 13 March 2017Time: 10amÐ3pmVenue: The Ark, Mount Lane, Turners Hill, West Sussex, RH10 4RAPrice: £28 (inc. coffee, ploughmanÕs lunch and a glass of wine) Lecturer: Vivien HeffernanContact: Angela Magness, as beforeOver the past three centuries, Shakespeare’s plays have provided artists with a wonderfully rich source of material. In order to bring the language to life, an RSC actor will perform the relevant verses while we explore the paintings. ART AND REVOLUTION: THE LIFE AND DEATH OF THE RUSSIAN AVANT-GARDEDate: 13 April 2017Images: Shutterstock.Time: 10amÐ3pmVenue: The Ark, Mount Lane, Turners Hill, West Sussex, RH10 4RAPrice: £28 (inc. coffee, ploughmanÕs lunch and a glass of wine) Lecturer: Rosamund BartlettContact: Angela Magness, as beforeBefore the Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace in 1917, Russian artists staged a daring revolution of their own and became leaders of the European avant-garde. Tragically, their dreams were extinguished under the harsh conditions of the Stalinist regime. West SurreyDAVID HOCKNEY RETROSPECTIVE EXHIBITION Date: 10 March 2017 Time: 11amVenue: Tate Britain, Millbank, London SW1P 4RG Lecturer: Frank Woodgate Price: From £24.40 (concessions) to £41 (inc. coffee, lecture, buffet lunch and timed exhibition ticket)Contact: Geraldine Corbitt, tel: 01344 455679, or email: This retrospective celebrates six decades of Hockney’s achievements in painting, drawing, print, photography and video.Above: Athens is one of three cities explored by Sussex Area22 NADFAS REVIEW / WINTER 2016 COURSES