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Reader Courses... open to all members, Affi liates, family and friendsto arrive within fi ve days. No refunds will be given except in exceptional circumstances, unless there is a waiting list. Tickets may be sold on. For more study days see the website STYLES: HIGH GOTHICDate: 25 January 2017Time: 10.30am–3.30pmVenue: The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queen Square, London WC1N 3ATTutor: Clare Ford-WilleCost: £34 (inc coffee & biscuits) SCO: Judith Leon, 163 Lichfi eld Court, Sheen Rd, Richmond, TW9 1AZ, alternatively email: studycourses.gla@gmail.comThe study day will explore how the pointed arch, the rib vault and fl ying buttress, developed by the early 13th century, contributed to outstanding architecture and sculptural programmes of increasing complexity in France and England. Ideas spread to central Europe, to Cologne and Prague, during this productive and exciting period. RIVER OF LIGHT – THE SEINE – AND HOME OF IMPRESSIONISMDate: 8 February 2017Time: 10.30am–3.30pm Venue: Art Workers’ Guild, as before Tutor: Carole PetipherCost: £34 (inc. coffee & biscuits)SCO: Tricia Savours, 89 Moss Lane, Pinner, Middx, HA5 3AT, email: psavours@gmail.comThe river Seine in France, often referred to as the River of Light, was a great infl uence on 19th-century artists and the development of Impressionism. It was the estuary which fi rst attracted them, then the area west of Paris, which became known as the Cradle of Impressionism. This series of three lectures follows the course of the river and the artists’ exploits along it and will aim to uncover new revelations!THE GOLDEN AGE OF DUTCH ART IN THE 17TH CENTURYDate: 13 February 2017Time: 10.30am–3.30pm Venue: Art Workers’ Guild, as before Tutor: Hilary WilliamsCost: £34 (inc. coffee & biscuits)SCO: Susan Branfi eld, 17 Clayton Meadow, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5DQ, email: susanbranfi eld@waitrose.comThe Dutch 17th century is rightly known as ‘the Golden Age’. We will look fi rst at the historical, social and cultural context of the centres of painting in Amsterdam, Leiden, Delft, Utrecht and The Hague. Then we discuss Rembrandt and Amsterdam in more detail. After lunch we will explore Dutch Genre and Landscape painting, and the development of the splendour of pictures of atmosphere.CITIES OF ART: SIENADate: 22 February 2017Time: 10.30am–3.30pm Venue: Art Workers’ Guild, as before Tutor: Clare Ford-WilleCost: £34 (inc. coffee & biscuits) SCO: Judith Leon, as beforestudycourses.gla@gmail.comSiena is one of the most important cities of the Renaissance, and its Palazzo Pubblico and cathedral contain treasures in abundance, from the rich medieval past to the 17th century. The works of artists and sculptors such as Duccio, Simone Martini, Donatello, Pinturricchio or Bernini have all contributed to Siena’s glorious past.THE PHOENIX AT THE FALL OF EMPIRE – THREE EMPRESSES OF CHINA AND THE FATE OF THE IMPERIAL ART COLLECTIONDate: 1 March 2017Time: 10.30am–3.30pm Venue: Art Workers’ Guild, as before Tutor: Anne HaworthCost: £34 (inc. coffee & biscuits)SCO: Tricia Savours, as before, psavours@gmail.comIn Ancient China, the phoenix, a bird of myth and legend, symbolised the Empress, consort to the Dragon Emperor. The study day focuses on three Empresses who lived in the Forbidden City from the 18th century to the end of the empire in 1911. Their history reaches back to a golden age of art collecting.East Surrey FROM TROY TO MYCENAE: IN SEARCH OF HOMER’S HEROESDate: 10 March 2017Time: 10am–1pmVenue: The Menuhin Hall, Stoke D’ Abernon, Cobham, KT11 3QQTutor: Louise Schofi eld Price: £18.50 (inc. coffee/tea)Contact: Booking forms available by sending a SAE to Ann Hollywood, Kames, 34 Park Road, Limpsfi eld, Surrey, RH8 0AW, email: will look at the story of the Trojan War and at some of the extraordinary ancient works of art it inspired. She will take us in the footsteps of Heinrich Schliemann who discovered the lost city of Troy and within it a fabulous golden treasure. His excavations began the discovery of a lost civilisation of the late Bronze Age, that of the Mycenaean Greeks. Louise will explore their world of beautifully decorated palaces and shrines and their rich burials, laden with gold.Greater LondonPlease contact the Study Course Organiser (SCO) to book the relevant course. IF YOU WANT YOUR TICKET BY POST: send a cheque, made out to ‘NADFAS Greater London Area’, to the SCO of each course, together with a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Separate cheques should be sent for each course. IF YOU WANT AN E-TICKET, email the relevant SCO to check availability, then send a cheque (or cheques), made payable to ‘NADFAS Greater London Area’, Above: The enigmatic Queen of Sheba (shown here on Notre Dame cathedral) is a topic in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Area20 NADFAS REVIEW / WINTER 2016 COURSES