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Page 13 NADFAS REVIEW / WINTER 2016 132017 AGM updateMake sure you’ve booked your place at the 2017 AGM There are now only six months to go before the 2017 AGM, so Societies are urged to make sure they have booked their place (or informed us of non-attendance). The action will take place in Birmingham, where the West Midlands Area has planned an exciting programme of cultural highlights. The Royal Birmingham Society of Artists will be showing the work of fi nalists from the ‘Make your Mark’ art competition organised by 11 Societies in the West Midlands Area in conjunction with the RBSA. A-level students from 13 schools and colleges are taking part.If you are arriving early, National Chairman June Robinson will host an Evening Reception at the Barber Institute of Fine Arts on Tuesday May 16. The event starts at 5.45pm and is due to fi nish at 8.30pm. It will include a talk by Director Nicola Kalinsky in conversation with The Guardian’s Chief Culture Writer, Charlotte Higgins (£25pp). On Wednesday May 17, the AGM will be held at Birmingham Town Hall with For ALL bookings go to Midlands Area ToursFurther details are at Weston Park Take a guided tour of this 17th-century house followed by lunch in the beautiful Victorian orangery and an opportunity to visit the gardens designed by ‘Capability’ Brown; £68.2. The Potteries and the Wedgwood Museum Explore the Wedgwood Museum with a guide, followed by lunch and talk by Gaye Blake-Roberts at the Upper House Hotel; £49.3. Ironbridge Gorge, Coalbrookdale Museum of Iron and the Jackfi eld Tile Museum David de Haan will provide an introductory talk about Coalbrookdale Museum, followed by lunch and a guided tour of the Jackfi eld Tile Museum; £42.4. Lichfi eld Cathedral and National Memorial Arboretum See the recently restored Herkenrode Glass at Lichfi eld Cathedral. After lunch at the Chapter House restaurant we visit the nearby National Memorial Arboretum; £37.5. Stourbridge Glass Making Museum and Hagley Hall Will Farmer from the BBC Antiques Roadshow will lead the tour of the Red House Glass Cone. Lunch in a stateroom at the 18th-century Hagley Hall will be followed by a guided tour; £47.6. Aston Hall Enjoy a tour of this Jacobean jewel in the heart of Birmingham with NADFAS-accredited Lecturer Martin Ellis; £35.7. Baddesley Clinton and Packington Hall Discover the fascinating history of Baddesley Clinton before an exclusive visit to Packington Hall, seat of the Earl and Countess of Aylesford, for lunch in the Pompeii Room; £41.8. Compton Verney and Lord Leycester Hospital After a guided tour of a special art exhibition at Compton Verney and lunch in a private room, we head to Warwick for a guided tour by the Master of the Lord Leycester Hospital; £43.9. Four Victorian, Ecclesiastical Gems in Birmingham Expert Tim Bridges will lead a guided tour of four unique churches in the city, lunch is included; £36.10. Birmingham Jewellery Quarter, Pen Museum, St Paul’s Explore Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter, the heart of the Industrial Revolution, to learn about the trades of the past; £21.11. Barber Institute of Fine Arts and Winterbourne House Visit the Barber Institute with its excellent and eclectic art collection, then visit the rare surviving example of an Arts and Crafts suburban villa and garden, Winterbourne House; £9.50.12. Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery Visit BMAG for an opportunity to choose either a talk about the pre-Raphaelites or the History of the City; £13.13. Birmingham City Tour A Blue-Badge led guided walk in a city rich in history; £10.doors opening at 9.30am. Refreshments and an organ recital (at 11am) kick off the proceedings, before the fi rst AGM session at 11.40am. Lunch is planned for 12.45pm – this year it is possible to pre-book your choice online (website details below). The second AGM session will commence at 1.45pm, with everything planned for completion at 4pm.That evening, at 7.30pm, June Robinson will host the Chairman’s Dinner at the iconic Birmingham Council House. It’s a further opportunity to catch up with old friends and meet new ones (£55pp).On Thursday May 18, why not make the most of your visit and choose from one of 13 tours (see right) exploring the history and culture of the West Midlands. NADFAS has managed to secure preferential rates for nine hotels in the city centre, with prices from just £58 per night for a single room.• See for details of all aspects of the AGM including hotels, events and non-attendance. ■Many thanks to the AGM sponsorsFieldings Auctioneers Offers a full range of valuation services: call 01384 444140 or email: will@fi West MidlandsAn independent website with a range of books and free resources about the region. See www.historywm.comLeft: Screen shot of the new website for all AGM-related bookings