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Olympic Revenue Sources (2013-2016)The Olympic Movement generates revenue through a number of programmes:• The IOC manages the sale of media rights to the Olympic Games, The Olympic Partner (TOP) worldwide sponsorship programme and the IOC’s official supplier and licensing programme.• OCOGs manage domestic sponsorship, ticketing and licensing programmes within the host country, under the direction of the IOC.• NOCs generate revenue through their own complementary commercial programmes.Olympic Revenue DistributionThe IOC redistributes 90 per cent of its revenue to the wider sporting movement, in order to support the staging of the Olympic Games and to promote the worldwide development of sport.This means that every day the IOC distributes the equivalent of USD 3.25 million to help athletes and sports organisations at all levels around the world, including direct funding to:• the Organising Committee of each Olympic Games;• NOCs to help them support their athletes at national and local levels;• IFs to run and promote their sports globally;• individual athletes and coaches, via Olympic Solidarity funding, to support sport around the world.To generate and manage these resources, and all of the IOC’s sport-related programmes, the IOC retains less than 10 per cent of the revenue it generates. Broadcast rights 74% TOP programme marketing rights 18% Other rights 4% Other revenue 4% Distributed to NOCs/IFs/OCOGs 90% IOC activities to develop sport Did You Know?and operations of the IOC 10%The IOC’s forecast total revenues of USD 5.6 billion from 2013-2016 have increased by 6.2 per cent compared with the 2009-2012 revenues. The main driver of this increase is TV broadcasting rights and the TOP programme marketing rights.Olympic Revenue Sources (2013-2016)Olympic Revenue Distribution