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Welcome to the 2016 European Can Market Report from Beverage Can Makers Europe (BCME). We look back on another record-breaking year for European can fillings and highlight key industry developments and trends. We examine the European Commission’s new legislation to stimulate Europe’s transition towards a circular economy (p34) and assess what impact this will have on the drinks packaging industry. The can is already widely recycled, confirming that industry initiatives such as Every Can Counts are impacting consumer behaviour (p30). We also explore consumer attitudes to packaging (p26), highlighting the findings of a recent research paper commissioned by BCME. Encouragingly, the can is delivering on many key needs. In our innovation feature (p16) we consider the expertise that goes into this iconic, superbly engineered package. We also explore multisensory packaging (p4) – an area that is fast becoming a powerful marketing and engagement tool – and examine how brands can successfully align themselves with major sporting events, such as this year’s UEFA European Championships and the Rio 2016 Olympics (p10). Our country reports (p44) review another year of growth in Europe. Total fillings have increased by 2% across the continent, underlining how brands and consumers are increasingly selecting the can as their pack of choice.FOREWORDCONTENTS04 More than a feeling Multisensory packaging as a marketing tool 10 A winning look How brands are reaching consumers through sports16 Meet the designers Innovations in can design and production22 Sign of the times Trends set to influence the packaging industry this year26 Sound of the crowd What do consumers want from their drinks packaging?30 Every Can Counts Highlights of the BCME’s recycling initiative34 Closing the loop A look at metals and the new EU regulations on sustainability 39 Market Focus 40 Map: The European beverage can industry at a glance42 European overview44 United Kingdom 46 Spain & Portugal 48 Russia/CIS 50 France 52 Germany 54 Benelux 56 Austria & Switzerland 58 Denmark 59 Sweden 60 Finland & Norway 61 Poland 62 Italy 63 Turkey 64 Central & Eastern Europe 65 Greece 66 About BCME The lowdown on Beverage Can Makers EuropeNorman Lett, Chairman Marketing Committee, Beverage Can Makers Europe, August 2016EUROPEAN CAN MARKET REPORT 2016 03CONTENTS